Patrick Technology
Patrick Visual Design Patrick offers a strong interaction between dance and projected images.

This interaction is based on the real-time capture of the shapes of the dancers' bodies, transformed into a kind of shadows cast on the wall/screen of the escenario. These shadows are in fact white masks, which can be used to filter or fill them with other images, or deform according to the movement.

The capture and processing system was created using the Max [Cycling74] object-oriented programming language, and uses a 3D Kinect infrared camera for this capture. With a 3D camera it is possible to define the depth limits of the visual material that you want to take into consideration, creating - in fact - a precise three-dimensional sensitive zone, and excluding elements that are outside this area.

In this way the actions of the dancers are inserted in projected environments, their bodies are multiplied, the contours are transformed according to the gestures.

The system was developed starting from the freenect object made by Jean Marc Pelletier ( in the 32-bit version, and subsequently adapted by Brian Chasalow and Alejandro Crawford ( for the 64-bit process. The software was created with Max 8 on MacOS platform.

Patrick Visual Design